Headland Theatre - Audience Survey The Headland Theatre at Tathra is becoming a reality and will open later this year. Crimson Rosella Creative Adventures is working with...
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BOOK NOW barstool conversations #2 – big ideas on small stages
Barstool Conversations Playwright Suzie Miller in conversation with Crimson Rosella's Creative Director Lindy Hume Tuesday 25 February at 8pm Theatre-making outside the...
BOOK NOW barstool conversations #1 – a new chapter begins
crimson rosella creative adventuresHeadland Theatre - Audience Survey The Headland Theatre at Tathra is becoming a reality and will open later this year. Crimson Rosella...
DEAD HORSE GAP @ the Cobargo Showground
Sunday 1 December 2024 was a celebration of firsts for Crimson Rosella. We welcomed our very first audience to our very first public event, a proof-of-concept showing for...