Space, silence, light….Elemental Thinking

Space, silence, light….Elemental Thinking

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Light, Space, Silence…elemental thinking In the decade-plus I’ve lived in regional Australia, one of the most useful and surprising discoveries is that the quality and characteristics of my thinking –...
Space, silence, light….Elemental Thinking

Restless Giant Launch roundup

[av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] The saying goes, “if you’ve seen one regional centre, you’ve seen one regional centre”. My experiences on this 7-stop launch tour bear this out in the physical and social diversity of every place I visited,...
Space, silence, light….Elemental Thinking

Latest Links to industry articles

We’ve had some great articles on regional arts in the past few days in national publications: Artshub The Australian (Two articles on...
Space, silence, light….Elemental Thinking

Restless Giant: ABC Interview

A great segment featuring the beautiful music by Candelo based singer songwriter Melanie Horsnall (pictured) and Sam Martin, Mikelangelo and the Black Sea Gentlemen and Heath Cullen. Listen in to our latest ABC interview HERE


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